Photos by the Swamper:
Albino Eastern Garter SnakeThis beauty was found on the Playground on the preserve's property as a neonate a year ago! (
Photos by the Swamper:
Albino Eastern Garter SnakeThis beauty was found on the Playground on the preserve's property as a neonate a year ago! (
Photos by the Swamper:
Viewing Platform & trail
Photos by the Swamper:
Midland Painted Turtles
Photos by the Swamper:
A section of Kearsley Creek
Photos by the Swamper:
Ground Water Pond
Photos by the Swamper:
Suspension Bridge
Photos by the Swamper:
Young Bullfrog
Photos by the Swamper:
Some of the group at For-mar NC ( I gave my Power Point presentation on Michigan reptiles and we took a short hike afterwards, the only herps we saw were a couple of baby bullfrogs, around 7 pm
Photos by the Swamper:
School kids arriving!
Photos by the Swamper:
Group measuring tree circumference
Photos by the Swamper:
Portion of Snake skeleton showing ribs & Backbone
Photos by the Swamper:
Courtney with a group of School kids
Photos by the Swamper:
On the Trail with School kids
Photos by the Swamper:
Sphinx Moth and Caterpillar
Photos by the Swamper:
Yours truly during Reptile talk to school kids
Photos by the Swamper:
VIDEO: Courtney showing the School kids the sign language for the different reptiles.