Photos by the Swamper: Pondhawk dragonflies (top: Male, bottom: Female)
Photos by the Swamper: 6517SEVP JPG rotate
Photos by the Swamper: Boardwalk throught bog
Photos by the Swamper: Seven Ponds Nature Center, Dryden, MI
Photos by the Swamper: These two images show the Transition from the Lakeside bog to a Forest environment
Photos by the Swamper: Trail from Nature Center to boardwalk
Photos by the Swamper: View from the top of A-Frame bridge to boardwalk
Photos by the Swamper: A-Frame brige over channel between two fo the lakes
Photos by the Swamper: Trail at Seven Ponds
Photos by the Swamper: Multi-use old tree! (Many insects, Woodpeckers, etc have used this old dead tree
Photos by the Swamper: A fallen tree with character
Photos by the Swamper: Very attractive fungus, I beleive this is called 'Turkey Tail or something like that
Photos by the Swamper: Thistle bloom
Photos by the Swamper: Silver spotted skipper
Photos by the Swamper: Giant Swallowtail (beat up to say the least, LOL)
Photos by the Swamper: Butterfly Garden