Photos by the Swamper: Magnificen old Oak tree struck by lightning
Photos by the Swamper: Forest Trail
Photos by the Swamper: Very Large Puff Ball ( Many fo theses species of Mushroom are edible)
Photos by the Swamper: Purple Cone Flower
Photos by the Swamper: Portion of original wrought iron fence from Ward property now part of the Pavilion at the sanctury.
Photos by the Swamper: Plaque recognizing the Ward family.
Photos by the Swamper: Meadow trail (This is where I saw many Gray Treefrogs
Photos by the Swamper: It seems that no matter where I go this summer I come accros Treefrogs!!
Photos by the Swamper: Grey Tree Frog
Photos by the Swamper: Woodland Pond