Photos by the Swamper: Mom returns with a fish, minutes after the Male chiuck had been returned to the nest
Photos by the Swamper: Fitting the Transmitter (Thius a rather tricky procedure and has to be done wby an expert.
Photos by the Swamper: Coming ashore to hand off the Chick to be fitted iwth transmitter.
Photos by the Swamper: Coming ashore to hand off the Chick to be fitted iwth transmitter.
Photos by the Swamper: Retrieving the Male Osprey chick.
Photos by the Swamper: Retrieving the Male Osprey chick.
Photos by the Swamper: The transmitter crew approaching the nest
Photos by the Swamper: The Fous of their attention
Photos by the Swamper: The Osprey Papparazzi!