Photos by the Swamper:
Osprey Papprazzi gathered for the Banding of the Chicks
Photos by the Swamper:
The Scene from the shore where we all were gathered!
Photos by the Swamper:
The boat approaches (Needless to say Mom was upset and vocalizing overhead!
Photos by the Swamper:
Grasping a chick!
Photos by the Swamper:
The hand-off to Barb
Photos by the Swamper:
Checking for the sex of the chick, taking blood sample and checking general health and banding!
Photos by the Swamper:
"Is this the one??" Barb was graciously remoiving a photo obstruction from nest for all us demanding photographers!!
Photos by the Swamper:
Leaving the scene!
Photos by the Swamper:
"Mom Where Were You??"