Photos by the Swamper: Woods loaded with trilliums
Photos by the Swamper: Northern Watersnake
Photos by the Swamper: Northern Watersnake
Photos by the Swamper: Wild Crab Apple Blossoms
Photos by the Swamper: Natural Geometric designs
Photos by the Swamper: Carpet of wildflowers
Photos by the Swamper: More Blue carpet on Forest floor
Photos by the Swamper: My Grandsons hiking in West Bloomfield Woods (Carrying on the tradition!)Preserve
Photos by the Swamper: Wood Anenomes in bloom!
Photos by the Swamper: Wood Duck nesting box (The are called "Rat Snake Feeding boxes in the South LOL!!)
Photos by the Swamper: Northern Watersnake crossing path!
Photos by the Swamper: Swamp Panorama
Photos by the Swamper: Momma Canada Goose and goslings
Photos by the Swamper: Jack-In-The-Pulpit
Photos by the Swamper: Jack-In-The-Pulpit
Photos by the Swamper: Nice growth of Daffodils
Photos by the Swamper: Snapping Turtle (Probably a yearling, 2 1/2 inches)
Photos by the Swamper: Blandings Turtle
Photos by the Swamper: Northern Watersnake
Photos by the Swamper: Northern Watersnakes Mating
Photos by the Swamper: Northern Watersnake courtship!
Photos by the Swamper: Northern Watersnake following pheramone trail
Photos by the Swamper: Northern Watersnake