Photos by the Swamper: Cypress Swamp
Photos by the Swamper: Florida Red Belly Turtle
Photos by the Swamper: Florida Box Turtle(Terrapene carolina baurii)
Photos by the Swamper: Florida Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina baurii)
Photos by the Swamper: Florida Snadhill Crane
Photos by the Swamper: Florida Sandhill Crane
Photos by the Swamper: Grey Squirrel
Photos by the Swamper: American Alligator
Photos by the Swamper: American Alligator
Photos by the Swamper: Lizards Tail
Photos by the Swamper: Red Shouldered Hawk
Photos by the Swamper: Old hunting cabin (Fakahatchee Hilton)
Photos by the Swamper: American Alligator
Photos by the Swamper: American Alligator
Photos by the Swamper: American Alligator
Photos by the Swamper: Fakahatchee trail
Photos by the Swamper: Eastern Glass Lizard ("Glass Snake")
Photos by the Swamper: Paynes Prairie
Photos by the Swamper: American Alligator
Photos by the Swamper: Paynes Prairie Sign
Photos by the Swamper: Florida Snapping Turtle
Photos by the Swamper: Prickly Pear cactus