Jared Kruger: He chased gray with the rest of them
Jesse Kruger: Happy Bokeh Wednesday!
Az~Kate: slosh
Jared Kruger: Hephaestus
Jared Kruger: Low Tide Ebb and Flow (When Hearts Wax and Wane)
Az~Kate: rinse
Az~Kate: walk the line
el silencio: Va todo tan rapido
Jared Kruger: And then the Clouds Spoke
Jared Kruger: Mercédès
Az~Kate: beauty and the beast
Trey Ratcliff: The Farm on the Fjord at Sunset
Jared Kruger: Est Queadam Fiere Voluptas
Jared Kruger: Lux Paci
Trey Ratcliff: Shattered
Trey Ratcliff: The Earth
Jared Kruger: The Claw
Jared Kruger: Steadfast
Trey Ratcliff: The Rainy Season of Vancouver
Trey Ratcliff: Cowled Prayer