thenameissvetlana: French heritage
thenameissvetlana: Wooden cottage
thenameissvetlana: Akaroa street
thenameissvetlana: Old French Cottage
thenameissvetlana: Very old and lovely place
thenameissvetlana: Pohutukawa - NZ Christmas Tree
thenameissvetlana: Lighthouse and the most impressive harbour hill in the background
thenameissvetlana: Peaceful water
thenameissvetlana: Akaroa boat club
thenameissvetlana: Akaroa marina
thenameissvetlana: The view that fascinated even French:-)
thenameissvetlana: Country flowers
thenameissvetlana: Sunday sailing
thenameissvetlana: Old Akaroa Lighthouse
thenameissvetlana: View at main Akaroa settlement
thenameissvetlana: Akaroa settlement and lighthouse
thenameissvetlana: Can it get any more peaceful?
thenameissvetlana: Kiwi way of simple life/Простая жизнь по-новозеландски
thenameissvetlana: Maori Carving at Okains Bay/Маорийская резная фигурка в бухте Окаинс
thenameissvetlana: Maori Carving at Okains Bay/Маорийские резные фигурки в бухте Окаинс
thenameissvetlana: Maori waka/Маорийское каноэ - вака
thenameissvetlana: Okains Bay/Бухта Окаинс
thenameissvetlana: Peninsula hills/Сопки полуострова
thenameissvetlana: Peninsula cows/Коровы полуострова
thenameissvetlana: Peninsula hills and Kaitorete Spit in the distance/Сопки полуострова и песчаная коса вдалеке
thenameissvetlana: Akaroa town in the distance/Городок Акароа вдалеке
thenameissvetlana: Salmon farm/Лососевая ферма
thenameissvetlana: Akaroa Heads/Вход в бухту Акароа
thenameissvetlana: Wainui on the left, Duveuchelle in the back, Robinson, Takamatua on the right
thenameissvetlana: Akaroa mountain:-)/Горы Акароа