thenameissvetlana: 5 pointz, street art mecca of NTC.
thenameissvetlana: Watching you!
thenameissvetlana: Daddy's girl:-)
thenameissvetlana: Day watch!
thenameissvetlana: One year later. She is still a personal driver:)
thenameissvetlana: Favourite position in a car
thenameissvetlana: I do have a nice body!
thenameissvetlana: Funny seat
thenameissvetlana: Intrepid traveller
thenameissvetlana: Anastasia and Angel
thenameissvetlana: Tired of you, people!
thenameissvetlana: Concentrating
thenameissvetlana: Bull terriers can lick you to death!:-)
thenameissvetlana: Cooling down on the beach
thenameissvetlana: Are they coming back?!
thenameissvetlana: Whose face is funnier?!
thenameissvetlana: Mum's girl
thenameissvetlana: Is there any food left, mum?!
thenameissvetlana: And what are you doing?!
thenameissvetlana: OK, I can stand nicely too!
thenameissvetlana: Tasting kina!
thenameissvetlana: Can I eat it?
thenameissvetlana: Pls let me off this leash!
thenameissvetlana: I can jump high!
thenameissvetlana: Wanna play?
thenameissvetlana: Pls don't throw me to the sea!
thenameissvetlana: The youngest ones of the family
thenameissvetlana: Don't show them my intimate beats!