thorstenkulbe Streetphotography: Warme Ohren sind wichtig....
thorstenkulbe Streetphotography: The apple-Der Apfel
thorstenkulbe Streetphotography: Tolerance is called that everybody should so live as it may !!
thorstenkulbe Streetphotography: The next winter comes certainly
thorstenkulbe Streetphotography: Love is a beautiful thing
thorstenkulbe Streetphotography: Dead do not need glasses
thorstenkulbe Streetphotography: Bier ist ein wunderbares Getränk
thorstenkulbe Streetphotography: Funny people in the street
thorstenkulbe Streetphotography: Loneliness-Einsamkeit
thorstenkulbe Streetphotography: Le petit village-Das kleine Dorf
thorstenkulbe Streetphotography: Keine Arbeit-No work
thorstenkulbe Streetphotography: Mirror- Paray de Monial France
thorstenkulbe Streetphotography: The evil eye- No photo !!
thorstenkulbe Streetphotography: Little girl-big suitcase
thorstenkulbe Streetphotography: Young poor homeless people in Hamburg