Arternative82: Der Landtag von Sachsen-Anhalt in Magdeburg im Abendlicht
wirklich_rainer_zufall: [explored] Er hat schlechte Laune
Moritz Padberg: Hamburg City University
der_peste (on/off): Sunrise Avenue
Jeanne Fairy: On the top of Samaria
Jeanne Fairy: Leopard
Jeanne Fairy: #flowertime
Jeanne Fairy: #shadow confusion
Jeanne Fairy: #Ria Runa #speed #beautiful
Jeanne Fairy: #Ria Runa #summer feelings
Jeanne Fairy: #Lara Beach
JensLPZ: Zoom in for details! Fresh fish! Kormoran (Phalacrocorax carbo) - great cormorant · · · (5D4_5691)
Jeanne Fairy: #wildandfree #LaraBeach
JensLPZ: Zoom in for details! :) Eine Mohnblüte - carrot - Klatschmohn (Papaver rhoeas) · · · (5D4_6951)
JensLPZ: Oh shit, trouble! Kormoran (Phalacrocorax carbo) und Storch (Ciconia ciconia) - great cormorant and white stork · · · (1DX_1469)
JensLPZ: Zoom in for details!: Fischotter (Lutra lutra) - Otter · · · (5D4_4075)
Moritz Padberg: Mission District Mood
JensLPZ: Zoom in for details! Graureiher (Ardea cinerea) im Prachtkleid - Gray/grey heron in breeding plumage · · · (5D4_2997)
JensLPZ: Early in the morning: Silberreiher (Ardea alba) - great egret · · · (1DX_3902)
Thomas Franke Photography: B E R L I N E R D O M
JensLPZ: Zoom in for details! Kormoran (Phalacrocorax carbo) - great cormorant · · · (1DX_4127)
JensLPZ: Portrait: Kormoran (Phalacrocorax carbo) - great cormorant · · · (5D4_5693)
der_peste (on/off): More Angels
JensLPZ: The otter has good teeth: Fischotter (Lutra lutra) - Otter · · · (5D4_4975)
Moritz Padberg: The delightful Back
JensLPZ: In the mirror: Graureiher (Ardea cinerea) - Gray/grey heron · · · (5D4_1909)