suzughia: Opera Mini for iPhone needs refinements - 1
suzughia: Opera Mini for iPhone needs refinements - 2
suzughia: iPhone iPod App wrong behaviour
suzughia: Desktop Wallpaper November 2009
suzughia: Apple Finder Criptic Error Message
suzughia: Antonio Tombolini at WebSite Wrong behaviour
suzughia: Web Site Display HTML tags
suzughia: Barnes & Noble - Message Error Report offered to the user.
suzughia: iPhone YouTube App UI Wrong Behaviour
suzughia: Flickr Localization Error.
suzughia: Photoshop CS4 Snow Leopard Exposè wrong behaviour.
suzughia: ePrice Bundle has no value for what is bundled
suzughia: Apple: With how many things i can open an Html file?
suzughia: Google Groups Web UX Unusability
suzughia: Apple iTunes 9 - Multiple discs sorting wrong behaviour
suzughia: Apple QuickTime X: Desktop Recording CPU Usage
suzughia: Apple System Preferences and the Shortcuts endless text.
suzughia: Apple Snow Leopard (Universal) Binary (Part 2)
suzughia: Apple Disk Utility UI wrong behaviour
suzughia: My best picture ever
suzughia: iPhone awfull localization
suzughia: OS X Leopard - link description persist on screen
suzughia: Arendt - La banalità del male
suzughia: Barthes -- Impero dei segni
suzughia: Barthes - Frammenti di un discorso amoroso
suzughia: Agamben - Homo Sacer
suzughia: Arendt - Vita Activa
suzughia: Barthes - Camera chiara
suzughia: Cheng - Storia del pensiero cinese
suzughia: Foucault - Anormali