S M ABIR: An unknown road ahead... Pahalgaum,Kashmir.
S M ABIR: A Childs Play!
S M ABIR: CHILDREN of the river
S M ABIR: Three Friends,Three Colors
S M ABIR: At The End of Day's Work
S M ABIR: early morning prayers
S M ABIR: stopped by the droplets
S M ABIR: forest road
S M ABIR: sage and the divine light
S M ABIR: kite runners
S M ABIR: dragonfly
S M ABIR: fishermen in the fog
S M ABIR: light and shade
S M ABIR: the violinist
S M ABIR: IMG_2060_1_2_tonemapped
S M ABIR: IMG_2855_1
S M ABIR: IMG_19271