Thomas Hawk: Found Slide
saamiblog: Samisk jente fra Kautokeino. Foto av Toralv Hagen, Finnmark fylkesbibliotek
saamiblog: Samegamme Hans Johan Frederik Berg mlm 1860 og 1874 Norge
saamiblog: En reindrifter med lukkha av Ørnulf Vorren, 1954. Museovirasto. CC by 4.0
coniferconifer: Mimosa
ëlectrafa: Mimosa
breath3light: mimosa
jimvajda: From Whence We Came
jimvajda: Eagletail Mountains Wilderness Milky Way
herberthaseneder: Milky Way Across the Desert
Joshua Tree National Park: Night sky with light pollution from Coachella Valley
Joshua Tree National Park: Light pollution near Jumbo Rocks
lukas schlagenhauf: The Milky Way on the Albis ridge
Christopher A Mills Photography: Milky Way over Monticello
saamiblog: Njommelsaska (Harsprånget) Lappland av Carl Svantje Hallbeck
saamiblog: Lars Amma Gruvvisare, 1972, Jåkkåkaska sameby, Jokkmokk, Sverige. NMA.0034119
bkkay1: Chicago miniature golf.
Vaidotas Mikšys: Who The Cap Fit
O Caritas: Anja Storelv
O Caritas: Skáidi
HeyAhsan: ...dusk is the time totally made me happy; such a soft wonderful full light of the setted sun :) #Chicago #SoftEveningShades #DuskTimes #LakeMichigan #Prety #Evening #Sunset #Colors #SummerBreeze #Lovely #WindyCity #Summer2018 #September2018 #HappyMonday
locaburg: DSCF6938
locaburg: DSCF6862
Christopher.Michel: Hello humans! From photographer Christopher Michel.
mákvirágok: 32240_649063_0001-00113
Genesis Reyes Photography: Genesis Reyes . com-1-2
Ape Lad: Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #2971
Matt Biddulph: question mark cat
Marc McGowan: Good Humor