susebraids: Sunny afternoon - perfect for pedal-boating!
susebraids: Cattails
susebraids: Waterfall
susebraids: After playing chicken in pedal-boats!
susebraids: Mark: "Take more pictures of me!"
susebraids: Funny-looking bird.
susebraids: I couldn't help but make pirate noises while passing this sign and gnarly roots.
susebraids: Fuzzy young'un.
susebraids: Seagull popsicle?
susebraids: That's hot, Mark. Hot.
susebraids: Blake found his thrill on Strawberry Hill.
susebraids: Mark and Melissa being snide and silly, respectively.
susebraids: Mark is stumped. Or the stump is Marked.
susebraids: I can't even begin to imagine what that look says.
susebraids: I can see my car from here!
susebraids: Quince blossoms, I think.
susebraids: Stepping stones at the foot of the waterfall.
susebraids: Three guys were smoking weed in the Chinese Pavilion.
susebraids: You don't want to know what they said about my Gorillapod.
susebraids: Mark tries a piece of California roll.
susebraids: That's the face of a man thoroughly enjoying his first piece of sushi.
susebraids: Strawberry Hill roll?
susebraids: They're here....
susebraids: Doing the robot dance!
susebraids: We've had a fun day; can you tell?
susebraids: Yvette, Freeda, and DC
susebraids: Blake and Mark approve of being surrounded by cute Asian chicks.
susebraids: My glass is empty!
susebraids: Later on, Blake tossed the whole matchbook into the flame.