susebraids: Organic loose beets. #rubato I saw this before a day-long choral rehearsal, and it amused me greatly. #punintended #sorrynotsorry
susebraids: Happy Bike To Work Day! I should do this more often. #btwd #btwd2017 #sfbikecoalition
susebraids: Family selfie. #nofilter, because Instagram's filters can't handle our different skintones.
susebraids: Me: "I roasted some nuts." Seth: "Which nuts?" Me: "Deez nuts." #besthusbandever #almondbutter #deeznuts
susebraids: 2.5 lbs of pitted cherries. 'Tis the season to make bourbon-soaked cherries. #yeswecan
susebraids: #running I love you, too, positive street art. #chirunning #happyfriday
susebraids: #running Iris in the canyon. #chirunning
susebraids: Old Forge Blanket, the right side. All dry, with my solar-powered blocking rack that is my backyard on a sunny, warm day. 😜 #kidlife #fo #knitting #westknits #westknitsarethebestknits
susebraids: Old Forge Blanket. Jomar for scale. #kidlife #fo #knitting #blocking #westknits #westknitsarethebestknits
susebraids: #running Twin Peaks and Sutro Tower, view from the Safeway parking lot. #chirunning
susebraids: Remember to take your allergy meds. #goldenpoppy #happyfriday #nofilter
susebraids: Alas, I couldn't make it to the March for Science in San Francisco today. I took Jomar to do something sciencey, and we went to the zoo! #science #kidlife
susebraids: Mochi monster. #kidlife #japantown #mochi #benkyodo
susebraids: I clean up okay. Ready to sing tonight at the Temescal Arts Center!
susebraids: Baptismal font. Blessed Good Friday. Livestream begins at 7 pm Pacific! #goodfriday #tenebrae
susebraids: Seth has Jomar pick which piece of matzoh gets hidden as the afikommen. #PesachSameach
susebraids: Ian wins the matzoh eating race once again. #PesachSameach
susebraids: Pre-seder chametz binge. #PesachSameach #kidlife
susebraids: #running Elk Grove edition. All this before breakfast. #chirunning
susebraids: Jomar has a silly streak, too. I wonder where he gets that. #kidlife #brickwall
susebraids: #placeswhereyoucanknit The winery's back patio, while Jomar plays in the grass. #kidlife #knitting #winetasting
susebraids: "Mama's silly!" Jomar says. Yup. #winetasting #yogainthewild #brickwall
susebraids: I'm your friendly misanthrope.
susebraids: Selfie on the floor with the birthday girl, Adeline!
susebraids: Alright, so we're doing this. #nofilter, obvi. #HAMILTON #hamiltonsf
susebraids: Lychee jelly bender. #kidlife
susebraids: #running #ArborealSelfie Pretty but poisonous flowers. #chirunning #happyfriday
susebraids: #running Point Richmond edition. Dork alert. #chirunning #pointrichmond
susebraids: #running Sidewalk love in primary colors. #chirunning
susebraids: I had to get a picture in front of sunny and historic Point Richmond. Photo by Seth. #baymodel #sfbaymodel #pointrichmond #kidlife #talknerdytome