susebraids: Eternelle Idole
susebraids: Eternelle Idole, hand detail
susebraids: "Michael! Stand there and look interested!"
susebraids: Torso of a Young Girl? Smile, nod, back away slowly.
susebraids: Art! No, his name is Michael.
susebraids: Contemplate this, punks.
susebraids: Why, that's positively Mondrian!
susebraids: It's SNOWING!
susebraids: SNOW!
susebraids: Margaret had about this much to drink.
susebraids: Would the librarian at the MIT Music Library mix up our IDs?
susebraids: Back-lit ice figures
susebraids: Ice lighthouse
susebraids: Hello? Damsel?
susebraids: "Don't show it to her, or she'll bitch!"
susebraids: Mischievous and Cute!
susebraids: Bold earthtones
susebraids: Yay, stripes!
susebraids: I'm more sober.
susebraids: Time for a funny anecdote.
susebraids: Picture with the bartenders named Michael!
susebraids: Orange and Jeaner sandwich
susebraids: Sara is a sexy nerd!
susebraids: Go, Megans! Go!
susebraids: Yes, we know we're all dolled up.
susebraids: Practicing the "come hither" glances.
susebraids: Accessories with texture
susebraids: Wandering eyes.
susebraids: Mischievous Bond Girls
susebraids: We look hot.