SusanRSerna: Treasure Found
SusanRSerna: Pig, at rest.
SusanRSerna: Trumpet Flower Tree, Cuenca, Ecuador
SusanRSerna: Wild Alpaca on the side of the road in El Cajas National Park (at least I think this one is an Alpaca). Such a sweet face.
SusanRSerna: Meat Vendor, Cuenca
SusanRSerna: View from the second floor of the Mercado 10 de Agosto
SusanRSerna: Woman at Biblián
SusanRSerna: Iguana in El Parque de las Iguanas, Guayaquil, Ecuador.
SusanRSerna: Lesser Sandhill Crane
SusanRSerna: Mt. Redoubt Sunset
SusanRSerna: Ravens in the snow
SusanRSerna: A wet Raven sits in a Cottonwood tree in Anchorage, Alaska.
SusanRSerna: Bohemian Waxwing
SusanRSerna: Words and Light
SusanRSerna: Glen Alps Bull
SusanRSerna: untitled-8196.jpg
SusanRSerna: Caterpillar in the Lichen
SusanRSerna: Psychedelic Mushhroom Abstract
SusanRSerna: Mushrooms in the Rain
SusanRSerna: Portage Glacier, as seen from Portage Pass.
SusanRSerna: Arctic Tern with Fish
SusanRSerna: Bee with Honey
SusanRSerna: Beautiful Baby Raven
SusanRSerna: They don't come much cuter than this. Baby Mew Gull.
SusanRSerna: Tulip in Black
SusanRSerna: Purple Tulip
SusanRSerna: Don't Want to Talk About it Anymore
SusanRSerna: Interior, Trollius
SusanRSerna: Ship in the Rain