k8southern: I guarantee you that they are not standing on the stairway to heaven. #awfullibrarybooks #books #clowns #horror
dolescum: Winebrarian
Jenica26: 38.5 weeks
Jenica26: Daily 2013: 10/29/2013
Jenica26: Daily 2013: 10/13/2013
Jenica26: 22 weeks
weelibrarian: Needs a little ironing, but it's done
Jenica26: Us.
Jenica26: Miles is also opposed to mornings.
Jenica26: Good morning!
dickiesandchucks: My name is Derrick and I like Broadway musicals.
jazzmodeus: Me and Maurice
patricia elizabeth: First dance
Jenica26: Pink toe black toe pink toe pink toe
Jenica26: Jack has no interest in my workout. Or my personal space.
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