SurfaceSpotting: All at one point
SurfaceSpotting: Bubble man
SurfaceSpotting: MIss grainy
SurfaceSpotting: The piano
SurfaceSpotting: Catharsis (Κάθαρσις)
SurfaceSpotting: morning peoples
SurfaceSpotting: το κοντραμπάσο
SurfaceSpotting: Let's go
SurfaceSpotting: The Ludovico Technique
SurfaceSpotting: Σάββατο
SurfaceSpotting: Wine bottles
SurfaceSpotting: Flaming boat
SurfaceSpotting: Contrasts
SurfaceSpotting: Michailina
SurfaceSpotting: A trumpet, a banjo and a piano player
SurfaceSpotting: shipwreck
SurfaceSpotting: A pathway, a human, and a plastic bottle of lucozade
SurfaceSpotting: Déjà pensé
SurfaceSpotting: Rusty gate
SurfaceSpotting: Cherry bokeh