su.reed: Wood white. first glimpse of these VERY flighty butterflies (Species 17 2012)
su.reed: Wood whites the inside story
su.reed: wood whites, the male lands above the female, and then 'beats' her round the antennae with his proboscis
su.reed: Wood whites (2) While he does this she keeps flapping her wings open as if to see him off but she doesn't fly away
su.reed: Wood whites (3) He carries on beating and she carries on flapping! All very odd
su.reed: Wood whites (4) ...and so it goes on. in this shot you can clearly see his extended proboscis
su.reed: Wood whites (5) more extended proboscis!
su.reed: wood whites (6) And then he just flies off!!!
su.reed: Wood white Light shining through
su.reed: wood white soo beautiful!