jeans_Photos: Leaf cutter bee Female
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): The Malachite (Siproeta stelenes, Nymphalidae)
jeans_Photos: Candle Cranberry
jeans_Photos: Pebble bug
jeans_Photos: Maratus spicatus
jeans_Photos: Striated Pardalote
jeans_Photos: Spotted pardalote
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Carpenter Bee Hawk Moth (Sataspes xylocoparis, Smerinthinae, Sphingidae)
jeans_Photos: Skipper Mesodina cyanophracta
jeans_Photos: Skipper Mesodina cyanophracta
jeans_Photos: Bee fly
jeans_Photos: Synemon jcaria - sun-moth
jeans_Photos: Toad bugs and ant
jeans_Photos: Red Jewel Beetle
jeans_Photos: Staurostichus sp Bee fly
jeans_Photos: Photo by Laurie - Verdigrised Beetle
jeans_Photos: Styphelia bracteolosa
jeans_Photos: Synemon directa
jeans_Photos: Sun Moth
jeans_Photos: Jacksonia racemosa
jeans_Photos: Platybrachys sp
jeans_Photos: Mantisfly
jeans_Photos: Tiny bees
jeans_Photos: Mantisfly
jeans_Photos: Apiocera sp
Deanster1983 who's mostly off: Hummingbird hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum)
Deanster1983 who's mostly off: 7-spot ladybird (Coccinella 7-punctata)
jeans_Photos: Aleucosia Bee fly
jeans_Photos: Acreotrichus sp