su.reed: Wood anenome and St marks fly (male)
su.reed: Robber fly - different angle
su.reed: Calliphoridae - Pollenia sp. my thanks to Cheburashka for id
su.reed: mayfly 2
su.reed: Fly 2
su.reed: Conopid fly Sicus ferrugineus thanks to eastendswift for id
su.reed: Crane fly ? id
su.reed: Bibio lanigerus ??????
su.reed: bluebottle type fly
su.reed: Fly - Chloromyia formosa (male)
su.reed: Sicus ferrugineus
su.reed: Fly ? id
su.reed: Fly 4
su.reed: Beautiful robber fly ? id
su.reed: Fly 2
su.reed: Fly ? id
su.reed: Fly 2 ? id
su.reed: St. Marks fly, Bibio sp (male) thanks to terraincognita96 for id
su.reed: Flies!!!
su.reed: Fly 1 ? id
su.reed: Robber fly ? id
su.reed: Fly ? id
su.reed: Green bottle study
su.reed: Flesh flies in cop
su.reed: Small fat fly love his sparce hairs!!
su.reed: Fly 1 ? id
su.reed: Small pale fly, 'drinking' dew
su.reed: I am watching you!!!
su.reed: Small fly ? id
su.reed: Graphomyia maculata (male)