su.reed: Hover fly - Cheilosia spp thanks to timz501 for id
su.reed: Hoverfly Eristalis interruptus (male) thanks to timz501 for id
su.reed: Hover fly - in hiding!! Probably Platycheirus albimanus (male) Thanks to timz501 for id
su.reed: Hoverfly study 1
su.reed: Hover fly - Syrphus torvus (male) Thanks to timz501 for id
su.reed: Hoverfly Xylota sylvarum
su.reed: Hoverfly Sphaerophoria spp (female) thanks to timz501 for id
su.reed: Hoverfly Probably Syrphus ribesii (male) thanks to J.J. (Kent) and timz501 for id
su.reed: Wood anemone and hover fly
su.reed: Hoverfly ? id
su.reed: Hover fly - Eupeodes luniger (female). Thanks to timz501 for id
su.reed: Drone fly
su.reed: Marmalade fly
su.reed: Eristalis pertinax (male). Thanks to timz501 for id
su.reed: Eristalis sp ? id
su.reed: Hoverfly Eupeodes cf luniger (female) My thanks to timz501 for id
su.reed: Hoverfly Eristalis sp
su.reed: Hoverfly Xylota sylvarum
su.reed: Hoverfly Eristalis sp
su.reed: Drone fly (having a wash!!!)
su.reed: Hoverfly Xylota segnis thanks to A tyke for id
su.reed: Sharing??
su.reed: Hoverfly study 2
su.reed: Hoverfly Eumerus spp (female) thanks to timz501 for id
su.reed: Hoverfly Eristalis abusivus (male) thanks to timz501 for id
su.reed: Hoverfly Xylota segnis
su.reed: Hoverfly 5 Eristalis sp ?
su.reed: Hoverfly on flower
su.reed: Hoverfly Syrphus spp (female) My thanks to timz501 for id
su.reed: Hoverfly Eristalis tenax (female) My thanks to timz501 for id