su.reed: Hoverfly Sericomyia silentis (male) thanks to timz501 for id
su.reed: Hoverfly Xanthogramma pedissequum Thanks to Sandy Rae for id
su.reed: Eristalis Arbustorum
su.reed: Eristalis abusivus (female) thanks to timz501 for id
su.reed: Hover fly Eristalis spp thanks to timz501 for id
su.reed: Xylota segnis Thanks to tristanba for id
su.reed: Volucella Zonaria
su.reed: Mating pair of hover flies
su.reed: Hover fly Eristalis abusivus (female) thanks to timz501 for id
su.reed: Ferdinandea cuprea
su.reed: Anasimyia lineata thanks to tristanba for id
su.reed: Sericomyia silentis thanks to tristanba for id
su.reed: Volucella zonaria 1
su.reed: Myathropa florae
su.reed: Myathropa florae 2
su.reed: possibly Platycheirus (Pyrophaena) granditarsus thanks to Sandy Rae for possible id
su.reed: Hoverfly Anasimyia species thanks to Sandy Rae for id
su.reed: Hover fly - Melanostoma scalare (female) Thanks to timz501 for id
su.reed: R. campestris - female thanks to tristanba for corrected id
su.reed: Fly ? id
su.reed: Volucella zonaria
su.reed: Meliscaeva cinctella. on wild rose
su.reed: Cheilosia illustrata thanks to tristanba for id
su.reed: Hover fly Xanthogramma pedissequum thanks to timz501 for id
su.reed: Another waspy mimic - Myathropa florea
su.reed: Volucella zonaria
su.reed: Hoverfly - Eupeodes corollae (male) Thanks to timz501 for id
su.reed: Volucella pellucens One forgotten from the summer
su.reed: xylota segnis - thanks to archimandrill for ID
su.reed: possibly chrysogaster solstitialis