yadiyasin: Sunrise in Yuen Yang
Pinot & Dita: A glass of sombrero & warm bread pudding on this rainy day.
syukaery: Lewotolok Beach, Lembata
Ikhlasul Amal: Festival of Sacrifice
yadiyasin: Curved and Framed
hayi _n: The Ontel.
Herman Saksono: Soto Bakso Surabaya
yadiyasin: Happy Independence Day, Indonesia!
Pinot & Dita: That crafty feeling. #pinoditavacation
Nelson Vargas Photo: "Medium Format" - 202/365
Nickie A Photography: In the woods - Lair O' the Bear Park, Colorado
Pinot & Dita: Someone is curious with our Agfa Box 50 camera
Pinot & Dita: A lady with Agfa Box 50
Pinot & Dita: My kind of lucky day. #pinoditaUK
Herman Saksono: Lousiana BBQ Ribs and Grilled Chicken
Masjid Nusantara: Jual kubah Masjid
Kiky Anharizal: Blossom Veil
beradadisini: Ambon, Molucca Archipelago
Kiky Anharizal: ANIMAL PRINTED series
Chika Nadya: Vio and Aunty Linda
moggierocket: Flat cat - not dead
Ashan de Silva: "Shine Shine"