superstar_etta: 1st Birthday (cupcake)
superstar_etta: Snuggle time with the Sanders cousins
superstar_etta: say WHAT
superstar_etta: Squishy Face
superstar_etta: Playing with the hose.
superstar_etta: Summer funtime
superstar_etta: Birthday Presents
superstar_etta: Birthday Party
superstar_etta: DD and tired Birthday Boy
superstar_etta: MMM cupcake
superstar_etta: DSC01079
superstar_etta: More cupcake
superstar_etta: Face full of sugar
superstar_etta: MMM organge
superstar_etta: Mr T has nothing on Asher Jay
superstar_etta: Road Trip to Colorado
superstar_etta: Asher pulling Dad's hair
superstar_etta: Sleeping in the car
superstar_etta: Road sleeping
superstar_etta: one of the MANY pit stops
superstar_etta: Lots and Lots or driving
superstar_etta: Asher playing with his shoes
superstar_etta: Sunday Morning at the "cabin"
superstar_etta: Morning on the porch
superstar_etta: Asher doing his chores
superstar_etta: This vacation is all work
superstar_etta: Asher on the porch
superstar_etta: Asher cashing the camera