Sick Sad Little World: day or night
merobolosdiscos: San Cristobal
belénciaga: chasquilla mutante TRES
valeriahernan: tallarines con salsa de queso
amolap: are killing me
belénciaga: santa belén de las mercedes
Lou O' Bedlam: Laura, in the Backyard
thelambofgod: Luisa María
flu,: fdgfdfgfg
Carou,: By Gusstav-
coolhandluke: heat wave
Lou O' Bedlam: From the Day We All Had Fun Spraying Each Other with the Water Hose
Lou O' Bedlam: Amanda Looks at Me, Despite the Sun and the Heat and the Bugs
Lou O' Bedlam: Melissa, Under the Arundo Donax
uso/abuso: Carlos
uso/abuso: Irene, Irma, Tita
littleisdrawing: Shabop Shalom
flu,: ::
flu,: otoño.
flu,: arrribba