Johnny Paglioli: Orion-Collage
Johnny Paglioli: M101RiLA-color
Terry Hancock Bodes Galaxy M81 Artprize 2013 entry at GRAM
write_adam: M82 Galaxy, remixed from the Hubble Legacy Archive
write_adam: looking into the center of the Milky Way
J-P Metsavainio: Jones-Emberson 1
Terry Hancock M81 Bode's Galaxy, M82 Cigar Galaxy, Holmberg IX and IFN
igorfp: Orion Panorama RGB+Ha (18 pieces 3x6 mosaic, 42 hours with DSLR)
Johnny Paglioli: M78-UCRC
Terry Hancock M31 Andromeda Galaxy "Neighbor of a Grand Design"
Terry Hancock The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888 Narrowband
Terry Hancock M27 The Dumbbell Nebula RGB + Narrowband Natural/False Color
s.arrigoni: m31 nivolet combine0e22elenhanced7el2pix2
Pegaso0970: Edge-on NGC 3628
Pegaso0970: From Aries to Perseus
Giuseppe Petralia: 20-11-11 mos4 color
astrorick: M82ALRGB
fabian7331: Central Milkyway Mosaic
myyorgda: makhtesh ramon - moonless sky
J-P Metsavainio: Veil_Natural
J-P Metsavainio: M27_Natural
Skiwalker79: NGC6888 - Crescent nebula
write_adam: IC1805 The Heart Nebula
write_adam: Veil Nebula Complex
write_adam: Ye Olde Heart Nebula
write_adam: M31, the Andromeda Galaxy (now with h-alpha)
write_adam: In the clouds of Rho Ophiuchi
Erik N Larsen: Orion Region LRGB
Erik N Larsen: Heart and Soul Bi-color
Erik N Larsen: HaRGB Horsehead and Flame Nebula