Andrew Boxall:
Misty morning on the Wey
Rob Macklin:
Colorado Dream
Bob Radlinski:
Jenne Farm, Vermont
Patrick Ng:
love blue and white contrast a lot. That little box is a true wireless earphone with battery case + 30 hours of usage, one of our top sellers. #manualfactorybear #manualfactory #mfb #mfbear #truewireless #earphone #bear #stationery #stationerylove #stati
Patrick Ng:
These are refill covers I used before, each is like a collage of my recent encounters. They way I do it is to collect only nice stickers, store cards, shopping bags, beer labels, etc. After they accumulate for a while, I would cut them up into smaller pie
Patrick Ng:
抗疫習作2: 曬完本TN唔發霉,下一步就係用佢嘞。請大家翻開內頁,在日光之下展示你比較喜愛的一頁,不論畫作、書法、記事、剪貼等等都可以,旁邊必須放置你這頁作品所使用過的工具及材料,亦可隨意加入能代表你喜好的道具例如咖啡、煙斗、指甲油等等,拍一張靚靚照片張貼在以下留言區。 建議在這星期內至少貼一張相片,可重覆參加甚至使用舊作。沒有壓力,慢慢來,目的是要你動身參與及享受整個過程,也看看別的用家如何使用TN及其個別風格。至於「抗疫習作1」,大家可以繼續貼相。 習作相片請到面書上Traveler’s Note
Patrick Ng:
抗疫習作2: 香港後巷面貌。 新畫嘅係左邊,題材係「香港後巷面貌」。用咗Pilot Capless LS靜音按出式鋼筆F筆尖,Monteverde Green防乾墨水。右邊係準備電台節目嘅筆記,用Pentel Touch Brush Pen。眼力唔好所以要常用老花鏡夾係眼鏡框上。因為係星期六下午時份畫埋最尾嘅部份,所以要飲Cold brew Earl Grey French Blue茶(Marriage Freres),放入舊可樂樽然後用Sizzler bottle sealer封樽雪咗半日先拎出嚟飲
Patrick Ng:
Good morning ideas, thank you for the waiting, just gonna nap a bit, will come back to you fresh and anew. #newdaynewstart #newday #ideas #ideavirus #sethgodin #creativity #trctravelersnotebook #travelersnotebook #travelersnote #leather #notebook #though
Patrick Ng:
抗疫習作2: Come stop your crying 先決定了會用橙黃跟藍為主色,未決定主題就隨意用橙黃水彩掃上一些圖案,因為左邊像水鞋像臂彎所以主動加了TN,右邊像鯨魚像小狗所以開始想象動物農莊,此時白紙上只有橙黃色,亦是最有creative block的時候。好,就從水鞋出發,用Sakura Pigma黑色Brush pen開始雨衣人線條,提醒自己不能被既有的橙黃限制線條的可能性,鯨魚小狗跟動物朋友開似出然奔向雨衣人。Phil Collins的歌詞”come stop your crying i
Patrick Ng:
What is good stationery? Something you’d love to carry every single day and pass on to your grandkids. #stationery #stationerylove #stationeryaddict #stationeryporn #trctravelersnotebook #travelersnote #travelersnotebook #superiorlabor #brasspen #rotring
Patrick Ng:
Can’t wait to try these out over the weekend! The washable paper feels a lot better than those limestone papers we sold before, although I haven’t actually written anything on it, it is definitely not plasticky. Super lightweight paper got to be my favour
Patrick Ng:
“Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” Francis of Assisi Well the establishment dictates what’s necessary and the rest is impossibilities. They don’t even know they have closed so many opene
Patrick Ng:
From Traveler’s Notebook Hong Kong User Group, we hope you have a safe and relaxing holiday season. #xmas2020 #merrychristmas #trctravelersnotebook #travelersnotebook #travelersnote #stationery #stationeryaddict #stationerylove #penteltouchpen #curidasfo
Patrick Ng:
Set the tone for the time you will be spending. I planned for a boxing day bike ride further away from the city coz that was supposed to be the day after I finish most urgent tasks. Turned out Chronodex took me a little more time to handle, so I didn’t h
Patrick Ng:
Finally we can boldly carry what we love to go anywhere everyone has been dreaming of, hello 2021! Wish you all good health equipped with inner peace and a lot of happiness! #happynewyear #happynewyear2021 #newyearseve #bear #mfbear #trctravelersnotebook
Patrick Ng:
How to lighten the color of your Traveler’s Notebook? Your leather cover turns darker in time, some asked what to apply to lighten the color. The answer is you shouldn’t. You have probably been tempted so many times to apply leather conditioners for prot
Patrick Ng:
For those faint-hearted crafters, rubber stamping permanent ink on their Traveler’s Notebook is like tattooing. Well why not use your photo editing app and have some fun adding icons and texts virtually instead? It is super fun and maybe one day you will
Patrick Ng:
The world’s most beautiful Octopus card ❤️ IMHO #travelersnotebook #trctravelersnotebook #travelersnote #stationery #stationeryporn #stationeryaddict #stationerylove
Patrick Ng:
Switching back to Tokyo Station TN cover, really love the camel and gold foil combo, the typography, the charms, the DIY… ❤️ #trctravelersnotebook #travelersnotebook #travelersnote #stationery #stationeryaddict #stationerylove #notebook #leather #l
Patrick Ng:
16年前跟這個品牌的團隊一拍即合,由產品未出世已經參與策劃,成為終極粉絲,到一起籌備展覽、推出多個香港特別版本及大型活動,不經不覺Traveler’s Notebook已經成為世界性品牌。 日本廠商決定慶祝15周年的方法最好不過是出一本有紀念價值、有內容的書,比起推出新產品來得更有意義👍。雖然內容是全日文,但圖文並茂值得珍藏。 很榮幸七月初日本出版社以zoom越洋訪問了我,相信是唯一的海外受訪者。書籍會在9月25號於日本發行,Amazon日本網站已經可以1760円預訂。 #trctr
Patrick Ng:
Switching to blue edition tomorrow in dismissive/avoidant frame of context. #trctravelersnotebook #travelersnotebook #stationery #stationeryaddict #stationerylove #notebook #attachmentstyle
Bob Radlinski:
Shanklin, Isle of Wight
Bob Radlinski:
Chapel Stile, Great Langdale
Stewart D Moore:
trees and sky 1234
Mount Ngauruhoe, NZ
Patrick Ng:
Showing a little bit of what things are around me here. Been working more on paper lately, so I’m carrying around quite many notebooks. Each has much to refer back to and a lot to write separately. Instead of leaving some at home and regret not having the
Patrick Ng:
Chronodex Weekly Planner Jul-Dec 2018 is now released! I wish it was earlier but yeah this weekend is probably a good time for you to prepare it for the next 6 months’ visual/radial scheduling/journaling. Download: #chronodex #schedu
Patrick Ng:
"Rage, rage against the dying of the light!" #desk #deskbound #stationery #stationeryporn #stationerylove #stationeryaddict #pen #keyboard