ronrag: Tin and Jhen
ronrag: Tin and Jhen
ajpscs: TUNNEL
diamonds_in_the_soles_of_her_shoes: The Meeting May Please Come to Order
ronrag: Quezon Memorial Shrine
kimbar/Thanks for 6.7 million views!: The City from the Presidio
kimbar/Thanks for 6.7 million views!: Sculpture shop, Kochin
jeridaking: _MG_6456
In Memoriam: Flipped Out: Across the Universe Part 567
Stitch: you and me
In Memoriam: Flipped Out: A photographer's work is never done 2
jeridaking: _MG_3151
jeridaking: _MG_3121
jeridaking: _MG_3127
In Memoriam: Flipped Out: Taraval Street
kimbar/Thanks for 6.7 million views!: Mills College light play
2500teu: Come, have a seat
engrjpleo: Cabugao Gamay
kitakitts: Tapsilog