sumi104: Today's cooking:鱈とポテトと白菜のクリーム煮
sumi104: Today's cooking: 今晩の料理 クッパ、チヂミ
sumi104: Today's my cooking: Sushi roll
sumi104: Today's cooking: 鯵の炊き込みご飯といんげんの胡麻和え、鯵の琥珀揚げ
sumi104: Today's cooking: 新玉葱と桜海老のかき揚げ 独活と麩の胡麻和え
sumi104: Today's cooking:meuniere of salmon, scrambled eggs salad
sumi104: Today's cooking: omelet, carrot soup
sumi104: Today's cooking: 鯵の甘酢あんかけ、鯵の中華風サラダ ご飯大盛り
sumi104: Today's cooking: 焼きおにぎり、卵焼き、若鶏の青じそ揚げ
sumi104: Today's cooking: 青豆ご飯 鰹のたたき 鰹の角煮 鰹のすり流し
sumi104: Today's cooking: vongole bianco, carrot and fava bean flamande
sumi104: Today's cooking: 棒棒鶏とにら玉
sumi104: Today's cooking: 牛肉と長葱の丼、茄子と茗荷の即席漬け、フルーツみつ豆
sumi104: Today's cooking: イサキのカレー唐揚げとイサキのおろし煮、赤だし(イサキのアラ出汁)
sumi104: Today's cooking: 冷や汁と串揚げ。夏のご飯に。
sumi104: Today's cooking: 排骨飯と酸辣菜
sumi104: Today's cooking: 牛肉の千切り野菜巻と茄子と茗荷の柳川風
sumi104: Todsy's cooking: にんにくの芽と豚肉の細切り炒めと冬瓜と鶏肉のスープ
sumi104: Today's cooking: potato salad and cheese hamburger
sumi104: Today's cooking: rice mixed in chiken and burdock sauted in sesame oil, tofu steak put mushroom sauce on
sumi104: Today's cooking: rice bowl of spicy pacific saury(sanma) saute, sanma meatballs in clear soup.
sumi104: Today's cooking: Chinese-style Steamed Egg Custard, Chive dumplings
sumi104: Today's cooking: Cooked Rice mixed with Grilled Pacific saury(Sanma), and Fried Sanma with Vegetabe Sauce
sumi104: Today's cooking: Marinated mushrooms and Hashed beef rice
sumi104: Chinese-inspired boiled crow daisy and Chili prawns
sumi104: Today's cooking: Broccoli Salad and Sauteed chiken in the Stanley style
sumi104: Today's cooking: bacon and broccoli pasta, and fish chowder
sumi104: Today's cooking: A bowl of rice topped with boiled chicken and eggs (Oyako-don), and boiled spinach dressed with sesame sauce
sumi104: Today's cooking: baked sardine served with tomato sauce and dairy cream, and burdock potage
sumi104: Today's cooking: 四喜団子(スーシーワンズ)、ニラの和え物