sumi104: IMG_5218
sumi104: Photo
sumi104: She's my pet.
sumi104: 久しぶりのカフェタイム。
sumi104: She's sleeping.
sumi104: Here is the beach for kitesurfers.
sumi104: Here, a wonderful view from a cliff.
sumi104: She stared me to ask me for dinner.
sumi104: Kiteborders are enjoying on seashore of Kujukuri
sumi104: I'm here. There is nothing but the blue sea and the sunny skies.
sumi104: It's the callared cat fleeing from my home. I found her in my neighborhood.
sumi104: アサリと野菜のミルクスープと鶏肉の春巻き
sumi104: It's Snobazu pond at dusk.
sumi104: Today's cooking
sumi104: It's a view of Tokyo Skytree from Sakura-bashi bridge
sumi104: halo in the morning
sumi104: she gazed at me behind a screen.
sumi104: A girl shot a line of seagulls, by her cell-phone's camera.
sumi104: a tortie cat's taking a siesta.
sumi104: Today's cooking: Rice bowl topped with fried egg with crab meat and pork(天津丼), and Salad of toasted eggplant with a Chinese flavor.
sumi104: It's the annular eclipse through a filter.
sumi104: 粟国のユキちゃん
sumi104: つくしんぼ、見っけ。
sumi104: 春分の日。穏やかな天気
sumi104: Today's cooking: rice mixed with the seasoned scallops, and grilled scallops
sumi104: night train
sumi104: Have a good night's sleep.
sumi104: Today's cooking: Steamed egg hotchpotch, and Cooked deep-fried tofu stuffed with minced meat, vegitable and tofu(袋の煮物)
sumi104: 篝火越しの初詣