sumi104: Caranx melampygus Cuvier
sumi104: I'm Coral hind. You know?
sumi104: I'm a shy fish.
sumi104: seaturtle on four limbs
sumi104: a seaturtle getting away
sumi104: hanabira_kumanomi with kumanomi
sumi104: bubbles are floating.
sumi104: We're Bluelined snappers! Let's go with us.
sumi104: crowd of small fish
sumi104: Hello!
sumi104: Hello, too.
sumi104: I'm just eating.
sumi104: I'm chic or chichi?
sumi104: I'm alone.
sumi104: chasing
sumi104: fish school
sumi104: Can you take a nice photo?
sumi104: Don't stare me.
sumi104: This is the arch-shaped rock
sumi104: ready for entry into the sea
sumi104: a scene of entry
sumi104: a scene of exit from sea
sumi104: a scene of decompression stop
sumi104: fingerling of Goddes razorfish('テンス')
sumi104: moray('ウツボ')