Cody Rapol:
Cody Rapol:
need it in my size
Cody Rapol:
He's damaged
Cody Rapol:
Ay Girl!
Cody Rapol:
Can I help
Cody Rapol:
Blast off
Cody Rapol:
I went to gay work today.
Cody Rapol:
Bosom Buddies
Cody Rapol:
Underwater Sculpture , Grenada
Cody Rapol:
I like my coffee dark, strong and full of ass-kicking justice
Cody Rapol:
How to trick Ron Howard into making the Arrested Development movie
Cody Rapol:
Receiving high fives and dirty looks since 2005!
Cody Rapol:
Unfortunately timed photo.
Cody Rapol:
They drained the lake by my cottage to repair a broken dam and this is what was on the bottom.
Cody Rapol:
The difference a year makes...
Cody Rapol:
Abandoned Mill from 1866. - Sorrento, Italy
Cody Rapol:
Sperm Troll
Cody Rapol:
Saw this on the highway today... Awkward
Cody Rapol:
The Rapture Gaming Edition
Cody Rapol:
Did anyone else have an odd attraction to this game inside Encarta Encyclopedia
Cody Rapol:
Grandad used to go to the store...
Cody Rapol:
Great Scott!
Cody Rapol:
Well played Wikipedia.
Cody Rapol:
As a grammar nazi, this is just great
Cody Rapol:
Upgrade Activated!
Cody Rapol:
Cody Rapol:
Why I'm jealous of cats.
Cody Rapol:
How I feel when I'm playing L.A. Noire
Cody Rapol:
My younger sister decided to try out Photoshop. This is the first thing she made.
Cody Rapol:
How all of my interviews go on L.A. Noire