Cristian Arghius: Birth defect
jgrant863: Hoverfly Pair in Flight
jgrant863: Jumping Spider
jgrant863: Jumping Spider
Bowl12x: IMG_1156
Thomas Shahan: Whirligig Mite (Erythracarus pyrrholeucus) - Oregon
Lord V: I'm never going to live this down
Stoil Ivanov: Horned Grebe&Fish
gary.wittstock: Horned Owlettes-4503
gary.wittstock: Tiger Butterfly 8156
gary.wittstock: Great Egret wChicks -3717
gary.wittstock: Skippers on Pickeral 4142E Dews
gary.wittstock: Everglades Osprey feeds fledged chick-5815
gary.wittstock: Prey eats Predator- King of the Blue Skies
12thSonOfLama: Hancock at Night
Vicco Gallo: JUMP (thx for Explore!) Turning in the Wind
Josh Beasley: Tan Jumping Spider (Platycryptus undatus)
KevinMcNamaraPhotography: A few of my shots from my street photography workshop.
Rob & Amy Lavoie: Osprey with a nice catch
rivadock4: Spring is Here - Female Osprey and Catfish
Homer Caliwag: Red-breasted Merganser Drakes
Through The Big Lens: Northern harrier, female
lrargerich: Rho Forever Cool Winter Sun