Knitted Bits: 1013633_833807720003788_2461838320858871806_n
Matt Blaze: AT&T Long Lines Oak Hill Tower
sftrajan: Hercules about to kill a centaur
Ken_Mayer: 20180917_193700.jpg
jbb23927: Arlington Va., The Buckingham Theatre: 1948
NASA Johnson: Artemis I Flight Day 13: Orion, Earth, and Moon
Torrie Fischer: DSC00883.jpg
Thomas Hawk: Sutro Tower
AlbinoFlea: I-66 West
Generik11: Step Down
Dave Glass . foto: Western Addition, San Francisco
davidwilson1949: 19780640 13 WMATA National Airport Station
tokyofashion: Shibuya Koen Dori
Erica _ Fischer: See something or say something: San Francisco
Darwin Bell: Highwire Symphony
Erica _ Fischer: Subways, Rapid Transit Trains, Bus Feeders: Only economical, practical solution of traffic problem in San Francisco (1937)
hummingbird dreaming: Burning Man 2010 174
cezmius: Haight & Belvedere Banksy photo2
Ape Lad: Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #243
tuxette: outstretched wings feathery Friday!
bndmacd: IMG_1930
Wolfram Burner: Head in the Clouds: Burning Man 2009 #25
hummingbird dreaming: Glamor daphne
Fabio Rex: fail pig