Philip Male photography: ... Across the pond ...
imhof.patrick: Steinböcke
Tschissl: microcosm
Hammerchewer: Misty call
Tschissl: in their natural habitat
SussexSnapper: Ladybird
Badgerrat 2: Awakening 3984
Philip Male photography: Pixies Playground
JosBar: Raposa-vermelha | Vulpes vulpes | Red fox
Massimo Greco *: Germano reale (f)
Hammerchewer: Red Kite (T)
Wrenw17: Song Thrush.
Hans Zitzler: small island
BORGHY52: Tramonto invernale sul fiume Po.
Hans Zitzler: one of the few white days
Philip Male photography: ... Dawns delivery ...
Hans Zitzler: small island
Hans Zitzler: sunrise at Katzdorf
sunset1uk: The power of waves.
Hammerchewer: Glimpse of sunrise sunshine (HH)
sunset1uk: Fading light
Hans Zitzler: red and blue
Hans Zitzler: green islands
Hans Zitzler: beavers work
Hans Zitzler: liquid mirror 2909
sunset1uk: Summers last shout
Hans Zitzler: forest road 2694
imhof.patrick: Libelle
Massimo Greco *: Il missile - Martin pescatore