Suicyco-Charlie: Cartoon Queeny finished at last.... Thanks @rarachristina I had a "lovely" day with you.
Suicyco-Charlie: Outline done for today on @pip_thunder
Suicyco-Charlie: My morning so far!!!
Suicyco-Charlie: FUCK YESSSS!!
Suicyco-Charlie: Gorse making my kinder egg you coz I CAN'T DO IT!!! It's tooooo hard!!
Suicyco-Charlie: My Lady... She is A CAT WHORE!
Suicyco-Charlie: He also approves of Livs new bedroom too!
Suicyco-Charlie: Basie loves Livs mattress!
Suicyco-Charlie: Just did this on myself for "shits n gigs" meeeaaatteeee
Suicyco-Charlie: Found my babies like this.. This morning..
Suicyco-Charlie: Another bit done on this today.. I LOVE MY JOB
Suicyco-Charlie: Smile Charl..
Suicyco-Charlie: Another bit done on Lyndz leg piece.
Suicyco-Charlie: Session on Marios today. Half sleeve finished onto the full sleeve next.
Suicyco-Charlie: No filter. 2nd session on Laura's thigh today. Much fun ...
Suicyco-Charlie: Cutie mummy and baby owl..
Suicyco-Charlie: The only pic that my dickhead phone would allow me to take last night!! My beautiful friends Lyndz and E.. The best couple in the universe. Who are sooo in love and yes that is jealousy in my tone!
Suicyco-Charlie: Can somebody please allow me to do this on them please!!! Pretty pretty pretty please...
Suicyco-Charlie: Purple clouds are the fkn future meeaatttee !!
Suicyco-Charlie: No filter - just done this on Ryan... Cheers matey.
Suicyco-Charlie: Will be selling a load of these at tattoo jam and others too...
Suicyco-Charlie: The lovely gorgeous babe that is Amanda. @mindyfollit
Suicyco-Charlie: Amanda and I before I started drinking @mindyfollit
Suicyco-Charlie: Fancy arse bathroom meeaaaatteee !!
Suicyco-Charlie: Finished Amanda's chest today... Can't wait to go out with her tonight..