dapalmerpeter (slow & low): lost in season dandy
Jaime973: I picked the best for you
Jaime973: All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother
jaxx2kde: Fall in the Arb
mister-whistler: *Giggles* [E X P L O R E D !!]
BredaF10: Raindrops are like crystal balls
Debi123 (Back again): 342:365 Mar 25 ~~ spilling over
SophieG*: Stop all the clocks
looseends: when life gives you sungolds
Fatma S: intrigued
meaghan cook: dangle dangle
Sator Arepo: Close to the end
Sator Arepo: Missing the yellow house
lantaw.com: Kapit sa Kadena