The Jay Spot: Back In Your Arms Again...
normanwest4tography: Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos
Carsten Bahnsen: Rotkehlchen / Robin (Erithacus rubecula)
craigallen1972ice: Wish I had a hood
lildesrosiers: Beautiful little tree sparrows braving the windy cold
patrickviau: City Owl
patrickviau: Crowfoot
YYDB: _BZ89116_3000
YYDB: _BZ89307_2500
YYDB: DJI_0576_3000
Margarita Calderó: Luz en la niebla
Margarita Calderó: Water between autumn colors ( Explore )
Margarita Calderó: Forest landscape with fog
Salai i: Family
blavandmaster: The beauty of Winter
MarcinNar: Harvest
MarcinNar: Unusual sunset
MarcinNar: Crested Tit
Linda Goodhue: Baby Racoon (Kit)
Linda Goodhue: Green-throated Carib Hummingbird
Linda Goodhue: Winter at Mitchell’s Bay
Outback Hillbilly: Last but fighting to the end...
Outback Hillbilly: Eastern Water Dragon
Outback Hillbilly: Floating feather in a puddle
RJSchutDigitaal: Grauwe Kiekendief - Montagu's Harrier - Wiesenweihe - Circus pygargus
RJSchutDigitaal: Ree - Roe deer - Reh - Capreolus capreolus