das kleine haus: Läßt Day of memademay16 i wear a new blouse pam from #lamaisonvictor and my Basic Jeans from ottobre . I learned a lot about my warderobe and my closet .It was a pleasure to be a member of this inspirational Group !
das kleine haus: Me made may Day 27 burda blouse and Pants from ottobre
das kleine haus: On day26 of #mmmay16 I wear #lineflax and a #basicshirt from #ottobre #shirtlove. #mmm2016 Today it's an holiday called #Fronleichnam and i will sew #alltheday
das kleine haus: On day23 we have heavy rain, sitting on the couch and knit my #Heidijäckchen. Shirt in #shockingpink #basic #shirt from #ottobrewoman. #mmmay16 #mmm2016 #sewersofinstagram #knittersofinstagram
das kleine haus: #mmmay16 day22 #aberdeen #colette and my favorite trousers for home. Bermudashorts from an very old #burda. They don't look very advantageous, but there where very comfy. ..😉 #mmm2016 #sewersofinstagram
das kleine haus: Day at home, sick and ill...but with New #jeans and #T-shirt #ottobre #mmmay16 #mmm2016 #sewersofinstagram
das kleine haus: Heute im #bogner jersey #ottobrewoman #basic #mmmay16 #mmm2016
das kleine haus: Wearing the same as yesterday #ottobrewoman #basic #mmmay16 #mmm2016
das kleine haus: Going to grandma to eat some #cake #mmm2016 #mmmay16 #drops #dropscardi #nepal #knittersofinstagram
das kleine haus: After a long Day at #work in the #psychatric , and then a long #walkingdaily to get the #head clean, i am wearing my good old cozy underwear from #ottobrewoman. I like the jerseyfabric very much. #mmmay16 #mmm2016 #sewersofinstagram
das kleine haus: AT the way to #work simple shirt from #ottobre # alltimefavorite #mmmay16 #mmm2016 #sewersofinstagram
das kleine haus: On #mmmay16 day13 there are the theme #stripes. This blouse is the only in my closet who have it.#burda #mmmay16 #sewersofinstagram
das kleine haus: Today it's rainy and cold, so I decided to knit all the Day. ..shirt from #ottobre #mmmay16 #sewersofinstagram #selfmade #mmm2016 #lovlyday
das kleine haus: Going to the #market in my new #spring #pullover #drops #cottonmeriono #dropspattern, and my new #trousers from #ottobre 2/07
das kleine haus: Today i'm wearing new trousers (yeah! ) linen flax from #ottobre, shirt is #aberdeen from #colette day9 #mmmay16 #sewersofinstagram #happymonday !
das kleine haus: Today it's #gardentime . I'm wearing a bermudashorts from an very old #burda . There are now to big, because of my #weightlossjourney . Today i will sew New trousers and Shorts. ..#mmmay16 #mmm2016 #sewersofinstagram
das kleine haus: Day 7 #mmmay16 Same as yesterday. #burda #sewersofinstagram
das kleine haus: Day4 #mmmay16 #ottobre #shirtlove and boring Jeans. I need some New trousers yet! #sewersofinstagram
das kleine haus: mmMay16 #day3 #colette #aberdeen from romanit jersey. I don't like the texture of this fabric. To heavy and straight.
das kleine haus: Day2 #gardentime in very old fleece #cardigan #ottobre #mmmay16
das kleine haus: Gleich geht's zur #Arbeit in einer sehr alten Tunika, #MaMina von @frauliebstes #mmmay16 #sewersofinstagram #selfmade #memade
das kleine haus: Beinah ein #endlosprojekt ...endlich #finished #socks #knittersofinstagram
das kleine haus: Und wenn ich jetzt noch #m1pl oder #mlpr verstehe, hab ich die #basics. #aftertherain #heidikirrmaier #knittersofinstagram #rowan #panama
das kleine haus: IMG_20160420_085213
das kleine haus: First #aberdeen from colette patterns via seamworkmag
das kleine haus: Drops design Catherine finished Knitted in xxl Colour Vergissmeinnicht
das kleine haus: Drops design estelle finished
das kleine haus: Ottobre shirt
das kleine haus: memadeo 022
das kleine haus: memadeo 019