pinobarile: Just playing around with a ferry boat, a motion control rotating head, a 7D and AE.
Natalia Grishaenko: Winter girl
Yagoda.: Dasha K.
Ann McLeod Images: Simply red
IamPURPLE: .Colours of Life .
stella-mia: ET(umrella)/ Christmas rain
Lero !!: ^^)
franzusenka: D_Mingaraeva_MY BOOK
franzusenka: Portrait02
Lero !!: i'll be waitin'
roidlee: IMG_3510
isayx3: Imagine
moviegear_rus: Tasha | _Look?
miele♥nel♥caffè: That's exactly what my mind needs now: cloudiness. [Explored]
miele♥nel♥caffè: Urban Art & Me ♥ (I'm so happy, 'cause today I found my friends)
vi_prada: IMG_9880_bwsm
chuushechko: sealed with a kiss
ann sharkova: P1040768
miele♥nel♥caffè: I tell all the kids I babysit that I turn into a mermaid at night. They always believe me.
AehoHikaruki: Yuchan
moorzzilka: daisy and my sunglasses)
isayx3: Beaten by the Sun