Javier Palacios Prieto: Green fountain
Köksal Dinc: Coffee House
Jürgen Schillat: Being alone in the finest hours of the day-.jpg
jaume vaello: Intensa calidez
Jürgen Schillat: First light of the new year-4121.jpg
Jeff-Photo: Rouge gorge bleu
Fröilein Allerlei: Himmel und Wolken...
Jeff-Photo: Sale temps
mamzellelouison: La nature est créative ..
der_peste (on/off): There Is A Heaven, Let´s Keep It A Secret. (EXPLORE #1 - Jan 8, 2017)
jaume vaello: Honfleur
jaume vaello: Arromanches-les-Bains (Normandia)
jaume vaello: La nostalgia del sol
vdbist: Weststrand Darß
Jeff-Photo: Petite gitane
gsvoow: Woman avatar of Jah Rastafari
martinritter1: Frühling 130516-12
gsvoow: The walk
0skar||wild: 138 || sit down please
Fabio Rage: Sunrise sight
auntneecey: dying daisies - 40/366 {explored}
icemanphotos: Goldeneye
Jeff-Photo: Grotte de Choranche
Samuelsdad2009: Spiral (Explored)
stephen cosh: Fastest Draw in the East.psd