stumppix: Tree cluster by the Normanskill
stumppix: Field of ragweed
stumppix: Lens flare over beaver pond
stumppix: Macro thistle
stumppix: February snowstorm
stumppix: Macro thistle composition
stumppix: pond observation platform
stumppix: Summer landscape in BW
stumppix: Winter tree against clear sky
stumppix: roots-4
stumppix: Pine silhouettes - IR
stumppix: Sunset by a pond - IR
stumppix: Landscape in afternoon sun - IR
stumppix: Late afternoon shade - IR
stumppix: Sunlight and shadow - IR
stumppix: Last light on tree across a pond - IR
stumppix: The struggles of a tree
stumppix: A rural composition
stumppix: Lily pads around fallen tree
stumppix: A shady path through the forest
stumppix: Visitors center
stumppix: Autumn countryside
stumppix: Sunlit woods
stumppix: Stand of young trees
stumppix: Tree damage in a forest
stumppix: A repetition of catalpa leaves
stumppix: Viewing platform in a small pond
stumppix: A field in autumn
stumppix: Fading sunlight over a small pond
stumppix: Trees against an autumn sky