stumppix: Large barn complex on century farm
stumppix: Scattered ripe tomatoes
stumppix: Vintage Freihofer's delivery van
stumppix: Shingled barn in bright sunlight
stumppix: Path through the woods
stumppix: Décolletage with wood grain
stumppix: Encouraging movement
stumppix: Reeds bending in the sunlight
stumppix: Walking in autumn
stumppix: Marshy pond
stumppix: Combing hair at the window
stumppix: Apples and Cider door
stumppix: New dress, early 1970s
stumppix: Reeds and tree line
stumppix: Underpass flowers
stumppix: Reticulated color: glove over skin
stumppix: Four Corners Luncheonette
stumppix: Abandoned D+H bridge
stumppix: Hard and soft shadows
stumppix: Glass gems
stumppix: Weathered rivets
stumppix: Nuremburg Tower
stumppix: Barn roof detail
stumppix: Trees around and above
stumppix: Silk Salon
stumppix: Log steps curving up hill
stumppix: Dappled sun on shady path
stumppix: Reimagined flower
stumppix: Visitors admiring a young heifer
stumppix: Walking through an outdoor market