Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Strandringspinder, Malacosoma castrensis
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Beautiful Demoiselle, Blåvinget Pragtvandnymfe, Calopteryx virgo
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Stag beetle, Eghjort, Lucanus cervus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Variable Bluet, Flagermus-Vandnymfe, Coenagrion pulchellum
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Large Red Damselfly, Rød Vandnymfe, Pyrrhosoma nymphula
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The weaver beetle, Væver, Lamia textor
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Nursery web spider, Almindelig Rovedderkop, Pisaura mirabilis
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Beautiful Demoiselle, Blåvinget Pragtnymfe, Calopteryx virgo
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Rovflue, Pamponerus germanicus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Four-spotted Chaser, Fireplettet Libel, Libellula quadrimaculata
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Dock Leaf Bug, Skræppetæge, Coreus marginatus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Green Shieldbug, Grøn Bredtæge, Palomena prasina
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Sloe Bug, Almindelig Bærtæge, Dolycoris baccarum
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Lille Bærtæge, Holcostethus strictus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Fly & insect, Flue & insekt
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Broad-Bodied Chaser, Blå Libel, Libellula depressa