Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Griffon Vulture, Gåsegrib, Gyps fulvus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Purple Swamphen, Sultanhøne, Porphyrio porphyrio
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Pied Avocet, Klyde, Recurvirostra avosetta
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Common Blackbird, Solsort, Turdus merula
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Skovspurv, Passer montanus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Red Knot, Islandsk Ryle, Calidris canutus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Northern Hawk-owl, Høgeugle, Surnia ulula
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Wood White, Skovhvidvinge, Leptidea sinapis
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Marbled Fritillary, Marmorperlemorsommerfugl, Brenthis daphne
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Broad-Bodied Chaser, Blå Libel, Libellula depressa
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Common Goldeneye, Hvinand, Bucephala clangula
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Little Bittern, Dværghejre, Ixobrychus minutus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Woodland Brown, Skyggerandøje, Lopinga achine
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Southern White Admiral, Sydlig hvid Admiral, Limenitis reducta
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Ilex Hairstreak, Egesommerfugl, Satyrium ilicis
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Molivos, Lesbos, Greece
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Swallowtail, Svalehale, Papilio machaon
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Clouded Yellow, Orange Høsommerfugl, Colias crocea
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Common Morheen, Grønbenet Rørhøne, Gallinula chloropus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Krudttårnet, Frederikshavn, Denmark
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Balkan Marbled White, Balkan Skakbrædtsommerfugl, Melanargia larissa
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Marsh Fritillary, Hedepletvinge, Euphydrydas aurinia
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Fly & insect, Flue & insekt
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Common Blue, Almindelig Blåfugl, Polyommatus icarus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Lille Flagspætte, Dendrocopos minor
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Under the bridge, Under broen, Mariendal Mølle
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Common Goldeneye, Hvinand, Bucephala clangula
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Iceland Gull ssp. kumlieni, Hvidvinget Måge kumlien´s, Larus glaucoides
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Common Goldeneye. Hvinand, Bucephala clangula