Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Red-necked Pharlarope, Odinshane, Phalaropus lobatus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
European starling, Stær, Sturnus vulgaris
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Eurasian Hobby, Lærkefalk, Falco subbutero
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Snowy Owl, Sneugle, Nyctea scandiaca
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Oystercatcher, Strandskade, Haematopus ostralegus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Corn Bunting, Bomlærke, Miliaria calandra
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Little Tern, Dværgterne, Sternnula albifrons
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Ruff, Brushane, Philomachus pugnax
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Black Guillemot, Tejst, Cepphus grylle
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Purple Sandpiper, Sortgrå Ryle, Calidris maritima
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Fulmar, Mallemuk, Fulmarus glacialis
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Common Eider, Ederfugl, Somateria mollissima
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Ruddy Turnstone, Stenvender, Arenaria interpres
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Greylag goose, Grågæs, Anser anser
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Western Marsh Harrier, Rørhøg, Circus aeruginosus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Whooper Swan, Sangsvane, Cygnus cygnus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Iceland Gull, Hvidvinget Måge, Larus glaucoides
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Black-legged Kittiwake, Ride, Rissa tridactyla
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Great Skua, Storkjove, Stercorarius skua
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Skylark, Sanglærke, Alauda arvensis
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Black-headed Gull, Hættemåge, Chroicocephalus ridibundus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Common Eider, Ederfugl, Somateria mollissima
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Barn Swallow, Landsvale, Hirunda rustica
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Pied Flycatcher, Broget Fluesnapper, Ficedula hypoleuca
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
European Greenfinch, Grønirisk, Carduelis chloris
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Eurasian Siskin, Grønsisken, Carduelis spinus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Dunnock, Jernspurv, Prunella modularis
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Dunlin, Almindelig Ryle, Calidris alpina
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Ringed Plover, Stor Præstekrave, Charadrius hiaticula
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Sanderling, Sandløber, Calidris alba